English translation
Yahoo!広告 ディスプレイ広告
今回は2021年2月に実施した広告管理ツールの改善の一部をご紹介いたします。 ###一覧画面 月別グラフ表示機能の追加 各種一覧画面のグラフ表示機能において、「月別」のグラフ表示が可能になりました。



The highlights of improvements made in February 2021 are as follows. ###Monthly graph on list views In the graph display function of various list views, "monthly" graph display is now available.
###Reject reasons for ads on the edit ads view
When an ad is rejected on the editorial review (the review status is "declined" or "removed"), confirming the reject reason and required action became available on the edit ads view as well.
This enhancement will help you to edit ads while checking the reject reason on the edit ads view.
###Improved display design
####Views of ad management tools of both Search Ads and Display Ads in the same window
When you click "Search Ads" in the upper right corner of the ad management tool, the view for Search Ads was displayed in a new tab of the browser, but it has been changed to display with the view for Display Ads in the same tab.
####Easy-to-understand menu to display on the view in a new tab
In the tool on the upper right of the ad management tool and the footer of the view, a dedicated icon is displayed in the menu in the new tab of the browser.
###Additional items on CSV file for importing on converting campaigns of YDN format
We have added the following items to the CSV file that is downloaded from the "Download YDN campaign" button on converting to Display Ads (Auction) campaigns.
This change allows you to edit the importing file while checking the start date and end date of ad delivery for YDN campaigns to be converted.
- Start date (not editable) - End date (not editable)
*Output-only item. Editing is not possible. ###Improved pulldown menu for selecting account ####Easy to identify account type We have added a new icon to identify "MCC", "Display Ads", and "Search Ads" on the pulldown menu of selecting account.
This change will help you to identify the account type.
####Easy to select other account when selecting MCC account
When you have selected an MCC account in the "select account" on the upper left of the ad management tool, you had to click "Go to "Account access (select/view)" to change the account, and display another screen for account operation.
After this change, you no longer have to go to another screen. You can select another account from the select account menu.
###Video thumbnail creation is now available on the images and create ads views
Creating video thumbnails from videos, which was previously possible only in the video preview on the list of videos view, is now available on the images view and on the image list of the create ads views.
- (videos view)
- (create ads view)
###Setting description with the label function
You can now create and edit descriptions for labels on the label function.
You can also check the edited descriptions on the list of labels view.

今回は2021年2月に実施した広告管理ツールの改善の一部をご紹介いたします。 ###一覧画面 月別グラフ表示機能の追加 各種一覧画面のグラフ表示機能において、「月別」のグラフ表示が可能になりました。






[Display Ads] Enhancements on the new ad management tool (2021 Feb)
##Product Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Display Ads ##Overview To provide a better user experience, we continue to improve our new ad management tool for Display Ads.The highlights of improvements made in February 2021 are as follows. ###Monthly graph on list views In the graph display function of various list views, "monthly" graph display is now available.

This enhancement will help you to edit ads while checking the reject reason on the edit ads view.

This change allows you to edit the importing file while checking the start date and end date of ad delivery for YDN campaigns to be converted.
- Start date (not editable) - End date (not editable)
*Output-only item. Editing is not possible. ###Improved pulldown menu for selecting account ####Easy to identify account type We have added a new icon to identify "MCC", "Display Ads", and "Search Ads" on the pulldown menu of selecting account.
This change will help you to identify the account type.

After this change, you no longer have to go to another screen. You can select another account from the select account menu.

- (videos view)

- (create ads view)

You can also check the edited descriptions on the list of labels view.